Today in Drama, we practiced the Chorus speech again at the begginning of the lesson. Whilst the rest of the class has been learning the physical theatre sequences that go on behind me, I've been learning my lines. Mr. Chipp gave me some pretty valuable feedback on how my voice needs to be worked on over these next few weeks.
My projection is okay, but not the best at the moment. I must be louder, because there is so much movement going on behind me, and I must be more powerful so that the other cast members can hear their cues. I understand that this is a terrible flaw in my acting at the moment and I must push myself to achieve the power required for this role. As the leader of the "theatre company" within the meta theatre part of the play, I must have a sense of authority that causes the other actors who I will cast as characters within Antigone to take their roles seriously. I am not doing this completely with my volume and power, so I need to work on this a lot.
Another big problem I've been having lately is where I breath and pause in this speech. For example, sometimes I breath in odd places, like in the middle of a sentence. It's necessary that I start to think more about the structure of the speech and remember that the sentences are written as sentences for a reason -I must not pause in the middle of a thought. This may be a problem with pace, however, I think it has more to do with my actual power to say these line. I have to work on using my diaphragm to breath, in a way that will not make me run out of breath when I need it -just like in singing.
Also, at the moment, I have yet to learn the monologue completely, so I think that I will improve a lot once this has been accomplished. Another part is that again ( as in Multiplex), I don't seem to have much of a personality; I am set apart from the normal cast because, although I have a crucial role in the play, I do not have a specific character . Though it's not neccessary to develop much of a personality, the tone I set does carry the rest of the play. I'm finding it hard to develop what tone I should take on.
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