Friday 11 November 2016

Multiplex Rehearsal #1 N2C

12 October 2016

N2C is King Ecgbert School's personal theatre company, founded by my teacher, Mr.Chipp himself. Attending N2C has a variety of benefits, my favourite thing about N2C is being able to work with younger and older actors. I've found that learning from the examples of older actors, and even trying your hand at directing younger actors, really improves my own acting. From watching the older years, I've learnt what a good preformace is and from their direction, I believe I've improved immensely over the past two years that I've been an N2C member.

This Autumn, I am taking part in a student directed play called Mulitplex with N2C; it's being directed by a friend of mine, Emin, who is in Y13. I was given the part of Dillion in this play, who is basically the narrator.

Dillion is a different character than I'm used to playing because in the regular scenes she doesn't say a thing. Her interactions with other characters -verbally at least- are kept at a minimum until the end of the play. Although I do have quite a bit of lines, it seems that usually the lines come at the beginning or the end of the scenes. Additionally, whenever I speak, the rest of the cast freezes.

However, while the interaction I have with other characters is relatively small, as a narrator, my job is to connect directly with the audience. This has proven to be a bit nerve racking for me because I'm used to just turning off the fact that the audience is there and getting immersed in the character I was playing. But as the narrator, I'm constantly looking into audience member's eyes and trying to keep them engaged in the story. I think that this character will be a challenge for me, but it will be a good challenge.

This was the outcome of our first rehearsal: 

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